BattleForge MMORPG
BattleForge is a next-gen real time strategy game, in which you fight epic battles against evil along with your friends. What makes BattleForge special is that you can assemble your army yourself: the units, buildings and spells in BattleForge are represented by collectible cards that you can trade with other players.
With Play4Free you can now explore the full world of BattleForge, for free! An army of 32 units from all factions awaits your command. Lead your forces in single player scenarios now, or team up with your friends in epic co-op real time battles.
With Play4Free you can now explore the full world of BattleForge, for free! An army of 32 units from all factions awaits your command. Lead your forces in single player scenarios now, or team up with your friends in epic co-op real time battles.
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