Grepolis MMORPG
Developed by InnoGames GmbH for internet browsers, Grepolis is a free to play browser based online game set in the Ancient Greece. The objetive is to build up from a small Polis to a huge metropolis. The exploitation of resources forms the basis for the ascent of your Polis to become a powerful island power. In Grepolis, there are 4 resources, 3 normal types and 1 special type. The normal resources consist of wood, stone and silver coins. For all units and building, you require resources.
After a sever has met certain requirements, the whole server will enter "The Era of World Wonders" together. Once in the The Era of World Wonders, alliances must race to build these world wonders, by collecting up resources. For each World Wonder an alliance has completed, the players in that alliance will get 5% more favour. The seven wonders are: Great Pyramid Of Giza, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Temple of Artemis, The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, The Colossus of Rhodes and The Lighthouse at Alexandria.
There are five gods, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Athena and Hades. Each god can enact four different divine powers (which affect different things such as troop attack or resource income or even defence) and call upon two unique mythical units. Each city can choose which god to worship, however each city can only worship one god at a time.
There a bunch of new premium features to enhance your Grepolis gameplay. For example, you can use the attack planner, a new tool with which players can create and share a number of plans with friends and their alliances. Also you can summon the Phoenician trader immediately with the use of gold, extend some divine powers or reduce research times.
After a sever has met certain requirements, the whole server will enter "The Era of World Wonders" together. Once in the The Era of World Wonders, alliances must race to build these world wonders, by collecting up resources. For each World Wonder an alliance has completed, the players in that alliance will get 5% more favour. The seven wonders are: Great Pyramid Of Giza, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Temple of Artemis, The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, The Colossus of Rhodes and The Lighthouse at Alexandria.
There are five gods, Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Athena and Hades. Each god can enact four different divine powers (which affect different things such as troop attack or resource income or even defence) and call upon two unique mythical units. Each city can choose which god to worship, however each city can only worship one god at a time.
There a bunch of new premium features to enhance your Grepolis gameplay. For example, you can use the attack planner, a new tool with which players can create and share a number of plans with friends and their alliances. Also you can summon the Phoenician trader immediately with the use of gold, extend some divine powers or reduce research times.
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