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For a long time, we have worked in the game industry, and have applied
our creative talent into creating Mobiles that you have never seen
in other shooting games.

With many unique types of armour, we open this game to you, so you can develop crafty and even sneaky! new strategies. The Moondisk also changes the gravity on each map, making it necessary to re-calculate how
the atmosphere will a re-calculate how the atmosphere will alter
how you fire. It's important to use your weapons well and adapt
quickly, or you wil surely lose quickly!
Each turn, you have a lot of different options
available. You can shoot, or you can hide by
burying yourself in the ground, like a bunker.
All of these things make the game dynamic,
and help the game come alive for players!
Players can choose any mobile they want,
dress their avatar in any fashion they
choose, and enter the battle!
And if you win, you may even receive
bonus points, allowing you to dress in
better clothes. Remember, winning is
important, but you must also please the
crowds, so dressing well also helps you
are more money -"bad" players can win,
but this does not mean they will get a lot of points!

More free MMORPG Games or Free MMORTS Games.

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